ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Table Name | Comment | Schema |
ActionAnnotations | Notes for or groups of one or more Actions. | ODMXAnnotations |
ActionBy | Affiliates people with actions and describes thier role in the action. | ODMXCore |
ActionDirectives | ODMXLabAnalyses | |
ActionExtensionPropertyValues | ODMXExtensionProperties | |
Actions | Describes actions (e.g., observation, sample collection, sample analysis, field visits, field activities, etc.) | ODMXCore |
Affiliations | Describes affiliations of people with organizations. | ODMXCore |
Annotations | Contains text annotations added to one or more records within various ODMX tables. Annotations can be used to record notes about a particular SamplingFeature, Action, Result, etc. or to create groups of records such as Specimens, Sites, People, etc. | ODMXAnnotations |
Assembly | ODMXMicrobial | |
AssemblyEvent | ODMXMicrobial | |
AuthorLists | Relationship between Citations and their Authors | ODMXProvenance |
BinningEvent | ODMXMicrobial | |
BridgeContigsMags | ODMXMicrobial | |
BridgeGenesGeneAnnotations | ODMXMicrobial | |
BridgeMagAnnotationEventGeneAnnotation | ODMXMicrobial | |
BridgeMagsMagCollections | ODMXMicrobial | |
BridgeQcdReadsAssemblyEvent | ODMXMicrobial | |
CV_ActionType | Table containing terms used in the ActionType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_AggregationStatistic | Table containing terms used in the AggregationStatistic controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_AnnotationSource | ODMXCV | |
CV_AnnotationType | Table containing terms used in the AnnotationType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_CensorCode | Table containing terms used in the CensorCode controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DataQualityType | Table containing terms used in the DataQualityType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DatasetType | Table containing terms used in the DatasetType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DatastreamAccessLevel | Table containing terms used in the VariableDomain controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DatastreamClassifier | Table containing terms used in the VariableDomain controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DatastreamSourceCategory | Table containing terms used in the VariableDomain controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DatastreamType | Table containing terms used in the DatasetType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_DirectiveType | Table containing terms used in the DirectiveType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_ElevationDatum | Table containing terms used in the ElevationDatum controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_EquipmentStatus | Table containing terms used in the ElevationDatum controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_EquipmentType | Table containing terms used in the EquipmentType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_FeaturesOfInterestType | Table containing terms used in the FeatureOfInterestType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_ImageChannel | Table containing terms used in the Image Channel controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_Medium | Table containing terms used in the Medium controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_MethodType | Table containing terms used in the MethodType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_OrganizationType | Table containing terms used in the OrganizationType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_PersonsRole | ODMXCV | |
CV_PropertyDataType | Table containing terms used in the PropertyDataType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_QualityCode | Table containing terms used in the QualityCode controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_QuantityKind | Table containing terms used in the QuantityKind controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_RelationshipType | Table containing terms used in the RelationshipType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_ResultType | Table containing terms used in the ResultType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_SamplingFeatureGeoType | Table containing terms used in the SamplingFeatureGeoType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_SamplingFeatureType | Table containing terms used in the SamplingFeatureType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_SpatialOffsetType | Table containing terms used in the SpatialOffsetType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_SpecimenCollection | Table containing terms used in the Specimen Collection controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_SpecimenType | Table containing terms used in the SpecimenType controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_Status | Table containing terms used in the Status controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_TaxonomicClassifierDomain | Table containing terms used in the TaxonomicClassifierDomain controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_Units | Table containing terms used in the VariableName controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CV_VariableDomain | Table containing terms used in the VariableDomain controlled vocabulary. | ODMXCV |
CalculatedDatastreamExpression | ODMXSSI | |
CalibrationActions | Information about calibration Actions | ODMXEquipment |
CalibrationMultiplierOffset | Table holding time dependent calibration multiplier and offset dates | ODMXSSI |
CalibrationReferenceEquipment | Information about equipment used as referenece for a calibration | ODMXEquipment |
CalibrationStandards | Bridge table linking field calibrations to the reference materials used | ODMXEquipment |
CategoricalResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Categorical ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
CategoricalResultValues | ODMXResults | |
CategoricalResults | ODMXResults | |
CitationExtensionPropertyValues | Values for Citation Extension Properties | ODMXExtensionProperties |
CitationExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
Citations | Information about Citations | ODMXProvenance |
Contigs | ODMXMicrobial | |
ConversionMultiplierOffset | ODMXSSI | |
Coverage | ODMXMicrobial | |
DataChannel | ODMXSSI | |
DataQuality | ODMXDataQuality | |
DataloggerFileColumns | Information about columns in datalogger files | ODMXEquipment |
DataloggerFiles | Destibes datalogger files created by a deployment action | ODMXEquipment |
DataloggerProgramFiles | Information about datalogger program files | ODMXEquipment |
DatasetCitations | Relationship between DataSets and Citations | ODMXProvenance |
Datasets | Describes groupings of observation results that can be considered "datasets" | ODMXCore |
DatasetsResults | Lists the Results that are grouped into a DataSet | ODMXCore |
DatasourceDescription | ODMXSSI | |
DatastreamPersonBridge | ODMXSSI | |
DatastreamProvenance | A table which provides information on the provenance associated with a datastream | ODMXSSI |
DatastreamProvenanceFiles | A link between files, datastreamids and instruments | ODMXSSI |
DerivationEquations | DerivationEquations include calibration equations, normalizations, etc. on one or more RelatedResults to produce a DerivedResult. | ODMXProvenance |
Directives | Describes the directive or purpose under which actions are made. Directives can be projects, intended analyses for a specimen, etc. | ODMXLabAnalyses |
Equipment | Descriptions of specific pieces of equipment. | ODMXEquipment |
EquipmentAnnotations | Bridge table linking Annotations to Equipment | ODMXAnnotations |
EquipmentModels | Describes models of sensors, loggers, and related equipment used in making observations. | ODMXEquipment |
EquipmentPersonsBridge | Bridge between Equipment and Person | ODMXEquipment |
EquipmentPosition | A table which gives the position of equipment relative to its parent equipment or sampling feature | ODMXEquipment |
EquipmentUsed | ODMXEquipment | |
ExtensionProperties | Describes extension properties added to objects in an ODM database | ODMXExtensionProperties |
ExternalConnection | a table which allows us to link Actions, People and Sampling Features to external data and events | ODMXCore |
ExternalIdentifierSystems | A single table for connecting various primary keys with points to outside systems. | ODMXExternalIdentifiers |
ExtractedDNA | ODMXMicrobial | |
FeatureActions | ODMXCore | |
FeaturesOfInterest | ODMXSamplingFeatures | |
GeneAnnotations | ODMXMicrobial | |
Genes | ODMXMicrobial | |
Heartbeat | This table provides update on the system connectivity status | ODMXEquipment |
ImageEquipmentBridge | Bridge between equipment and bridge | ODMXCore |
ImagePersonsBridge | Bridge table linking images to persons | ODMXCore |
ImageSamplingFeatureBridge | Bridge table between sampling features and Images | ODMXCore |
Images | A table to store image data | ODMXCore |
InstrumentActions | ODMXCore | |
InstrumentOutputQuantityKind | Information about the QuantityKind that an instrument is capable of measuring | ODMXEquipment |
MAGAnnotationEvent | ODMXMicrobial | |
MAGCollections | ODMXMicrobial | |
MAGS | ODMXMicrobial | |
MaintenanceActions | Information about maintenance Actions performed on Equipment | ODMXEquipment |
MeasurementResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Measurement ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
MeasurementResultValues | ODMXResults | |
MeasurementResults | ODMXResults | |
MethodAnnotations | Notes for or groups of one or more Methods. | ODMXAnnotations |
MethodCitations | ODMXProvenance | |
MethodExtensionPropertyValues | Links extnsion properties to a Method | ODMXExtensionProperties |
MethodExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
Methods | Describes methods used to perform actions recorded in ODM (e.g., observation methods, sample analysis methods, sample preparation methods, etc.) | ODMXCore |
ModelAffiliations | ODMXSimulation | |
Models | ODMXSimulation | |
OrganizationSamplingFeatureBridge | Bridge table between organizations and sampling features | ODMXCore |
Organizations | Describes organizations - as in research groups, companies, universities, etc. | ODMXCore |
PersonExternalIdentifiers | Cross reference "linking" table to allow many to many | ODMXExternalIdentifiers |
Persons | Describes people. | ODMXCore |
PhenocamCalculatedChannel | A table which holds detail on calculated phenocamchannels | ODMXSSI |
PhenocamCubes | ODMXSSI | |
PhenocamData | ODMXSSI | |
PhenocamImgs | ODMXSSI | |
PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Point Coverage ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
PointCoverageResultValues | ODMXResults | |
PointCoverageResults | ODMXResults | |
ProcessingLevels | Describes the processing level of Results | ODMXCore |
ProfileResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Profile ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
ProfileResultValues | Numeric values of Depth Profile Results. | ODMXResults |
ProfileResults | Information about Profile Results | ODMXResults |
QAQCDetail | A table which provides for a free form entry of the QAQC Detail which can be used for reportin | ODMXSSI |
QAQCLog | This table holds a log of qaqc issues. It is used for logging when things happen, and can be used in the alert architecture | ODMXSSI |
QcdReads | ODMXMicrobial | |
RawReads | ODMXMicrobial | |
ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
ReferenceMaterialValues | "Accepted" property values for a Reference Material, which can be certified by an agency or vendor, established in the literature by the research community, or developed for "in house" use only by a laboratory. | ODMXDataQuality |
ReferenceMaterials | Describes materials that are used for the calibration of an instrument, the assessment of a measurement method, or for assigning values to unknown specimens. | ODMXDataQuality |
RelatedActions | Describes Actions that are related to one another. | ODMXCore |
RelatedAnnotations | Stores information about relationships among Annotations | ODMXProvenance |
RelatedCitations | Information about relationships among citations | ODMXProvenance |
RelatedDatasets | Information about relationships among DataSets | ODMXProvenance |
RelatedEquipment | Information about relationships among Equipment | ODMXEquipment |
RelatedFeatures | Describes parrent/child relationships among Sampling Features | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
RelatedModels | ODMXSimulation | |
RelatedResults | Information about relationships among Results | ODMXProvenance |
ResultAnnotations | Notes for or groups of one or more Results [sets]. | ODMXAnnotations |
ResultDerivationEquations | Relationship between Results and Equations used to derive them | ODMXProvenance |
ResultExtensionPropertyValues | Links extension properties to a Result | ODMXExtensionProperties |
ResultNormalizationValues | Extends the Results table with a foreign key to NormalizationReferenceMaterialValues when the optional DataQuality schema is implemented. In a database implementation, we would not implement this as a separate table from Results. | ODMXDataQuality |
Results | Describes the results of observation actions (e.g., groups of one or more numeric data values that result from an observation action) | ODMXCore |
ResultsDataQuality | ODMXDataQuality | |
SampledFeatures | ODMXSamplingFeatures | |
SamplingFeatureAnnotations | Notes for or groups of one or more Sampling Features. | ODMXAnnotations |
SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues | ODMXExtensionProperties | |
SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
SamplingFeatureTimeseriesDatastreams | This table contains timeseriesdata associated with different samplingfeatures | ODMXSSI |
SamplingFeatures | Describes the sampling features on which observations are made. | ODMXCore |
SamplingFeaturesAliases | ODMXCore | |
SectionResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Section ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
SectionResultValues | ODMXResults | |
SectionResults | ODMXResults | |
SequencingFacility | ODMXMicrobial | |
Simulations | ODMXSimulation | |
SoilprobeMonitoring | this table keeps track of monitoring surveys | ODMXSSIERT |
SoilprobeMonitoringERTDatastream | ODMXSSIERT | |
SoilprobeMonitoringTemperatureDatastream | ODMXSSIERT | |
SpatialOffsets | An explicit spatial relationship between a sampling feature relative to it's parent. | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
SpatialReferences | Describes spatial reference systems used to reference the coordinates for sites | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
SpecimenBatchPositions | Extends the FeatureActions table with a foreign key when the optional LabAnalyses schema is implemented. In a database implementation, we would not implement this as a separate table from FeatureActions, but rather just add the additional field(s). | ODMXLabAnalyses |
SpecimenCollection | This has the specimen collection information | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
SpecimenTaxonomicClassifiers | This cross-reference table allows Taxonomic Classification of Specimens as an annotation, rather than as a Result. | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
SpecimenToSpecimenCollectionBridge | this is a bridge between specimens and specimencollections | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
Specimens | Equivalent to O&M Sampling Feature Type "Specimen". Describes physical samples or specimens. | ODMXSamplingFeatures |
SpectraResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Spectra ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
SpectraResultValues | ODMXResults | |
SpectraResults | ODMXResults | |
SurveyElectrodeGeometry | ODMXSSIERT | |
TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
TaxonomicClassifiers | ODMXCore | |
TimeseriesDatastreamTemplate | This table is a template for timeseriesdatastreams | ODMXSSI |
TimeseriesResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Time Series ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
TimeseriesResultValues | ODMXResults | |
TimeseriesResults | ODMXResults | |
TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Trajectory ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
TrajectoryResultValues | ODMXResults | |
TrajectoryResults | ODMXResults | |
TransectResultValueAnnotations | Annotations for Transect ResultValues | ODMXAnnotations |
TransectResultValues | ODMXResults | |
TransectResults | ODMXResults | |
UnitsQuantityKindBridge | ODMXCV | |
VariableExtensionPropertyValues | ODMXExtensionProperties | |
VariableExternalIdentifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers | |
VariableMapping | ODMXCore | |
VariableQAMinMax | This table has the min and max values used for the QA/QC effort | ODMXSSI |
Variables | Stores information about measured properties. | ODMXCore |
VariablesTaxonomicClassifiersBridge | Bridge table between Variables and Taxonomic Classifiers | ODMXCore |