ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Describes actions (e.g., observation, sample collection, sample analysis, field visits, field activities, etc.)
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| ActionID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXCore"."Actions_ActionID_seq"'::regclass) | Primariy key identifier | ||
ActionTypeCV | VarChar() | CV term describing the type of action (e.g., observation, sample collection, sample analysis) |
ActionName | VarChar() |
| A name for an Action or activity. | ||||
ActionDescription | VarChar() |
| Text that describes the action | ||||
MethodID | Integer | Foreign key identifier for the method used to complete the action |
BeginDateTime | DateTime | The date/time at which the action began | |||||
BeginDateTimeUTCOffset | Integer | The UTCOffset for the BeginDateTime | |||||
EndDateTime | DateTime |
| The date/time at which the action ended | ||||
EndDateTimeUTCOffset | Integer |
| The UTCOffset of for the EndDateTime | ||||
ActionFileLink | VarChar() |
| A URL or path to a file created by or used by the Action, such as instrument output or configuration. |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_Actions_CV_ActionType | ODMXCV.CV_ActionType | ODMXCore.Actions | Term | ActionTypeCV |
fk_Actions_Methods | ODMXCore.Methods | ODMXCore.Actions | MethodID | MethodID |
Diagram Name |
ODMXAnnotations |
ODMXCore |
ODMXDataQuality |
ODMXEquipment |
ODMXExtensionProperties |
ODMXLabAnalyses |
ODMXOverviewSimplified |
ODMXProvenance |
ODMXSimulation |