ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| TaxonomicClassifierID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXCore"."TaxonomicClassifiers_TaxonomicClassifierID_seq"'::regclass) | Primary key identifier | ||
TaxonomicClassifierTerm | VarChar() | Classifier term identifying the object of the variable, such as a "species", typically from a biological, chemical, geological or other kind of taxonomy and often associated with an External Idenfication System. | |||||
TaxonomicClassifierName | VarChar() | Classifier name identifying the object of the variable, such as a "species", typically from a biological, chemical, geological or other kind of taxonomy and often associated with an External Idenfication System. | |||||
TaxonomicClassifierAlternateName | VarChar() |
| A common or alternate name for a classification. | ||||
TaxonomicClassifierDefinition | VarChar() |
| Definition of the Taxonomic Classifier term. | ||||
TaxonomicClassifierDomainCV | VarChar() |
| Controlled Vocabulary term for the domain of the Taxonomic Classifier system, which is often associated with an External Idenfication System. |
TaxonomicClassifierSourceURI | VarChar(1000) |
| A URI which points to the source classification system from which the Taxonomic Classifier term was derived. |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_TaxonomicClassifiers_CV_TaxonomicClassifierDomain | ODMXCV.CV_TaxonomicClassifierDomain | ODMXCore.TaxonomicClassifiers | Term | TaxonomicClassifierDomainCV |
Diagram Name |
ODMXCore |
ODMXExternalIdentifiers |
ODMXSamplingFeatures |
ODMXSimulation |