ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Describes the sampling features on which observations are made.
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| SamplingFeatureID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXCore"."SamplingFeatures_SamplingFeatureID_seq"'::regclass) | Primary key identifier. | ||
SamplingFeatureUUID | VarChar(36) | A universally unique identifier for the sampling feature. | |||||
SamplingFeatureTypeCV | VarChar() | CV term descripting the type of sampling feature. |
SamplingFeatureCode | VarChar() | A short but meaningful text identifier for the sampling feature. | |||||
SamplingFeatureName | VarChar() |
| Sampling Feature name (free text). | ||||
SamplingFeatureDescription | VarChar() |
| Text describing the sampling feature. | ||||
SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV | VarChar() |
| Dimensionality of SamplingFeature: point2d, line2d, etc. |
FeatureGeometry | Geometry |
| The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed using a geometry data type. Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc), Surface (flat polygons, etc) or Solid/Volume (although often limited to 2D geometries). | ||||
FeatureGeometryWKT | VarChar(8000) |
| The location geometry of the sampling feature on the Earth expressed as well known text (WKT). Can be a Point, Curve (profile, trajectory, etc.), Surface (flat polygons, etc.), or Solid/Volume (although often limited to 2D geometries). | ||||
Elevation_m | Float |
| The elevation of the sampling feature in meters, or in the case of Specimen, the elevation from where the SamplingFeature.Specimen was collected | ||||
ElevationDatumCV | VarChar() |
| The code for the vertical geodetic datum that specifies the zero point for the Sampling Feature Elevation. |
Latitude | Float |
| Latitude of centroid of SamplingFeature | ||||
Longitude | Float |
| Longitude of centroid of SamplingFeature | ||||
EPSG | VarChar(20) |
| EPSG of the Spatial Reference System that describes the latitude and longitude coordinates. This refers to codes obtained from http://www.epsg.org/ and maintained in epsg db |
Name | Table | Columns | Unique | Clustered |
SamplingFeatures_SamplingFeatureUUID_Idx | ODMXCore.SamplingFeatures | SamplingFeatureUUID |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_SamplingFeatures_CV_ElevationDatum | ODMXCV.CV_ElevationDatum | ODMXCore.SamplingFeatures | Term | ElevationDatumCV |
fk_SamplingFeatures_CV_SamplingFeatureGeoType | ODMXCV.CV_SamplingFeatureGeoType | ODMXCore.SamplingFeatures | Term | SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV |
fk_SamplingFeatures_CV_SamplingFeatureType | ODMXCV.CV_SamplingFeatureType | ODMXCore.SamplingFeatures | Term | SamplingFeatureTypeCV |
Name | Table | Columns |
uc_SamplingFeatureCode | ODMXCore.SamplingFeatures | SamplingFeatureCode |
Diagram Name |
ODMXAnnotations |
ODMXCore |
ODMXDataQuality |
ODMXEquipment |
ODMXExtensionProperties |
ODMXExternalIdentifiers |
ODMXLabAnalyses |
ODMXOverviewSimplified |
ODMXSamplingFeatures |
ODMXSimulation |