ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Contains text annotations added to one or more records within various ODMX tables. Annotations can be used to record notes about a particular SamplingFeature, Action, Result, etc. or to create groups of records such as Specimens, Sites, People, etc.
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| AnnotationID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXAnnotations"."Annotations_AnnotationID_seq"'::regclass) | Primary key for Annotations. | ||
AnnotationTypeCV | VarChar() | CV for types of annotations. |
AnnotationCode | VarChar() |
| A short text code that identifies the annotation (e.g., "A' for "Approved data"). | ||||
AnnotationText | VarChar(500) | Full text of the annotation. | |||||
AnnotationDateTime | DateTime |
| Date and time at which the annotation was created. | ||||
AnnotationUTCOffset | Integer |
| UTCOffset for the annotation creation date/time. | ||||
AnnotationLink | VarChar() |
| |||||
AnnotatorID | Integer |
| Foregn key identifier for the person that created the annotation |
CitationID | Integer |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_Annotations_Citations | ODMXProvenance.Citations | ODMXAnnotations.Annotations | CitationID | CitationID |
fk_Annotations_CV_AnnotationType | ODMXCV.CV_AnnotationType | ODMXAnnotations.Annotations | Term | AnnotationTypeCV |
fk_Annotations_People | ODMXCore.Persons | ODMXAnnotations.Annotations | PersonID | AnnotatorID |
Diagram Name |
ODMXAnnotations |
ODMXProvenance |
ODMXSimulation |