QAQCLog - Table
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Table: QAQCLog

This table holds a log of qaqc issues. It is used for logging when things happen, and can be used in the alert architecture


PKNameData TypeNULLAutoDefaultCommentFK

DatastreamIDInteger The datastream that this entry refers to
UtcTimeStartBigInt the start of the Utctime where this log entry applies to. This allows us to mark contigous bloicks of data (e.g. our or range)
UtcTimeEndBigInt the end of the Utctime where this value applies to The end of the Utctime where this log entry applies to
UtcTimeEntryBigInt The UTC time when we made the entry. Note that this is updated if the issue persists
QaFlagVarChar(1) The QAQC Flag that the entry refers to



Foreign Keys




Used in Diagrams

Diagram Name