ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| BridgeID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXExternalIdentifiers"."TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers_BridgeID_seq"'::regclass) | Primary key for a bridge table, enabling many-to-many joins. | ||
TaxonomicClassifierID | Integer | Foreign Key to TaxonomicClassifiers |
ExternalIdentifierSystemID | Integer | Foreign Key to ExternalIdentifierSystems |
TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifier | VarChar() | A resolvable, globally unique ID, such as a GBIF ID. Could be a Uniform Resource Name (URN). | |||||
TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifierURI | VarChar() |
| Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), preferably in the form of a persistent URL that is self-documenting and maintained by the external identifier system. |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_TaxonomicClassifierExtIDs_ExtIDSystems | ODMXExternalIdentifiers.ExternalIdentifierSystems | ODMXExternalIdentifiers.TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers | ExternalIdentifierSystemID | ExternalIdentifierSystemID |
fk_TaxonomicClassifierExtIDs_TaxonomicClassifiers | ODMXCore.TaxonomicClassifiers | ODMXExternalIdentifiers.TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers | TaxonomicClassifierID | TaxonomicClassifierID |
Diagram Name |
ODMXExternalIdentifiers |