ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Describes the directive or purpose under which actions are made. Directives can be projects, intended analyses for a specimen, etc.
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| DirectiveID | Integer |
| nextval('"ODMXLabAnalyses"."Directives_DirectiveID_seq"'::regclass) | Unique identifier. | ||
DirectiveTypeCV | VarChar() | Directive type, such as project, intended analyte/analysis for a Specimen, etc. |
DirectiveDescription | VarChar() | Text description of the directive or purpose under which the action was taken. |
Name | Parent Table | Child Table | Parent Columns | Child Columns |
fk_Directives_CV_DirectiveType | ODMXCV.CV_DirectiveType | ODMXLabAnalyses.Directives | Term | DirectiveTypeCV |
Diagram Name |
ODMXLabAnalyses |