ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Table Name | Comment |
CalculatedDatastreamExpression | |
CalibrationMultiplierOffset | Table holding time dependent calibration multiplier and offset dates |
ConversionMultiplierOffset | |
DataChannel | |
DatasourceDescription | |
DatastreamPersonBridge | |
DatastreamProvenance | A table which provides information on the provenance associated with a datastream |
DatastreamProvenanceFiles | A link between files, datastreamids and instruments |
PhenocamCalculatedChannel | A table which holds detail on calculated phenocamchannels |
PhenocamCubes | |
PhenocamData | |
PhenocamImgs | |
QAQCDetail | A table which provides for a free form entry of the QAQC Detail which can be used for reportin |
QAQCLog | This table holds a log of qaqc issues. It is used for logging when things happen, and can be used in the alert architecture |
SamplingFeatureTimeseriesDatastreams | This table contains timeseriesdata associated with different samplingfeatures |
TimeseriesDatastreamTemplate | This table is a template for timeseriesdatastreams |
VariableQAMinMax | This table has the min and max values used for the QA/QC effort |