ODMX [ODMX_DBWrench_Schema.xml]
Table Name | Comment |
FeaturesOfInterest | |
RelatedFeatures | Describes parrent/child relationships among Sampling Features |
SampledFeatures | |
SpatialOffsets | An explicit spatial relationship between a sampling feature relative to it's parent. |
SpatialReferences | Describes spatial reference systems used to reference the coordinates for sites |
SpecimenCollection | This has the specimen collection information |
Specimens | Equivalent to O&M Sampling Feature Type "Specimen". Describes physical samples or specimens. |
SpecimenTaxonomicClassifiers | This cross-reference table allows Taxonomic Classification of Specimens as an annotation, rather than as a Result. |
SpecimenToSpecimenCollectionBridge | this is a bridge between specimens and specimencollections |
Name | Comment |
RelatedFeatures_RelationID_seq | DbWrench Autogenerated Sequence. |
SpatialOffsets_SpatialOffsetID_seq | DbWrench Autogenerated Sequence. |
SpatialReferences_SpatialReferenceID_seq | DbWrench Autogenerated Sequence. |
SpecimenTaxonomicClassifiers_BridgeID_seq | DbWrench Autogenerated Sequence. |